All posts for Berlin
I live in Berlin, Germany since 2018. In this section, I write about experiences that I have had, problems I have faced & how to solve them.
- → Renewing my Indian passport in Germany
- → Side Project to Job Offer
- → Applying for German Citizenship online in Berlin
- → Applying for Rentenversicherungsverlauf online
- → Visa Appointments at Ausländerbehörde in Berlin
- → Blue Card in Germany (and how to get appointments)
- → Receiving Einbürgerungsurkunde and German Passport / ID
- → Applying for US Tourist Visa from Germany
- → Switching from Berlin BVG monthly ticket to Deutschland ticket
- → Working in Germany from abroad
- → Extending my residence permit in Berlin
- → How I found an apartment in Berlin (tips & sample emails)
- → How I work a full time job and do self employment in Germany
- → 8 Remote Companies in Berlin, Germany - 2023
- → Supermarkets, groceries & shops in Berlin
- → Applying for UK Tourist Visa from Germany