In 2024, Berlin allows you to apply for German citizenship online through their application portal. With this, there is no longer a need to request for an appointment and then receive the application form. I will write here my experience of applying for German citizenship - to naturalise (Einbürgerung) as an Indian citizen and the things that were a little bit confusing.
Documents required
These are the documents that were needed for my application for naturalisation. I applied under the new regulations that I require only 5 years to live in Germany and a B1 German certificate. The new citizenship / naturalisation law goes live in the last week of June 2024, I applied earlier because I had the documents ready and I read online that it does not matter when you apply. Only the date when they process the application & when they provide you the Einbürgerungsurkunde (citizenship certificate) matters. The current processing time in Berlin for most applications is between a couple of months to a billion years, so I'm ok.
Update on 30.06.2024: No response from them yet, so I'm assuming this application has not been rejected for this reason.
Update on 31.08.2024: My application was processed in 2,5 months and I got it! More on this below :)
The fees for this application were 255€. At the end of this process, there was an option to pay via PayPal or credit card. You have to pay to submit the application.
You should check the official source for latest changes.
My current Indian passport, residence permit and registration certificate (Meldebescheinigung)
In my case, this was my permanent residence (Niederlassungserlaubnis) which also has my address and serves as proof that my main residence is in BerlinA citizenship test certificate (Einbürgerungstest)
I passed this test in 2021, just because I had nothing else to do at that time.You can prepare yourself for the test with Einbürgerungstest Online tool that I built. Getting an appointment / termin to do this exam takes a while in 2024. It might be easier to get an Einbürgerungstest appointment outside of Berlin. You still need to check if they allow people from different states.B1 German certificate
I got this in 2023 as a preparation for this day, here is my experience of passing the B1 German Test.Proof of employment (Arbeitsbescheinigung)
Requested this from my employer, this needs to be within 14 days old when you apply. When my application is eventually processed, Landesamt für Einwanderung (LEA) might request this document again.Work contract (Arbeitsvertrag)
Last 3 payslips (Entgeltabrechnung or Gehaltsnachweisen)
Proof of health insurance (Krankenversicherung) and care insurance (Pflegeversicherung)
I'm registered with TK and on their portal, I downloaded a copy of my current insurance as proof. On the Berlin application portal, they have separate fields to upload a document for Krankenversicherung and Pflegeversicherung. It confused me but I uploaded the same file in both fields.
People with private health insurance can opt for a different care insurance. This does not apply to me as I am on public health insurance.Proof of rent
I uploaded bank statements as proof of paying my apartment rent on time.
Proof of pension insurance (Rentenversicherungsverlauf) was not required to complete the application, so I did not upload it.
With these documents, I used a scanner to get a proper scan instead of using my phone. I wanted my documents to have as much detail as possible, I did not want any delays with them asking for better quality. Additionally, for the last 3 months of payslips I merged them into a single document. Make your case worker's job easier.
Application form
You can start with your German citizenship application here. The portal offers an option to save and download your current application, so you can always download a copy of it and then come back later, upload it & resume your application.

Berlin citizenship application portal with an option to upload saved application
I will not write down every step of the application, but only the parts that could be a bit tricky.
Möchten Sie Ihren Online-Ausweis zur Identifikation verwenden?
This lets you to use your electronic ID (residence permit) when enabled, to verify yourself and it automatically imports some of your basic information. I found this useful and used it. When you want to use this option, choose Yes & option your Ausweis app on your device to begin the verification process. Read this about activating your electronic ID.
If you don't want to use this feature, you can type in your personal information as present on your passport & ID.Sind Sie für die Einbürgerung bereit, Ihre bisherige Staatsangehörigkeit aufzugeben?
I chose yes to give up / surrender my Indian passport if this application goes successful. Germany now allows you to keep your existing citizenship but India does not.Aufenthaltsorte / Wohnorte
You have to list the places you have lived in or were a resident of. I listed down the years & months for Chennai & Berlin.Erhalten Sie oder Ihre unterhaltsberechtigten Angehörigen Leistungen vom Sozialamt, der Agentur für Arbeit oder deren gemeinsamen Einrichtungen (z. B. Jobcenter) oder haben in den letzten 8 Jahren Leistungen erhalten?
I chose yes.I took a break between jobs in 2021. The job center (Arbeitsagentur) paid me for 1,5 months. If you have never received social benefits, choose no.
Update: I was told by someone that this is not a social benefit, rather unemployment insurance. I reached out to the office using this contact form to clarify this.
Uploading documents
Wohnkosten/Nachweis über die monatlichen Kosten
Bank statement of last 3 months rent to my landlordNachweis der Pflegeversicherung and Krankenversicherung and Nachweis der Krankenversicherung
Your proof of health insurance. In my case like I said earlier, it is the same document from TK that I uploaded twice.Sonstiger Nachweis des Lebensunterhalts
If you have any additional documents that you think is required for your case, upload it here. I uploaded a certified & translated German copy of my birth certificate. They did not request it but I have read that they sometimes request. It costs 60€ for a certified copy, I already had it but if you don't, wait till they request this document.
After this, I verified my details and paid 255€ to submit my application.
What's next?
After my application was submitted, I received an email confirmation with a copy of my application form. I expect a good long wait before I will receive a case number and a request to declare my loyalty (Loyalitätserklärung). I found this document online, you can download Loyalitätserklärung here for Berlin - although check online if there is a newer or different version they require.
Update on 20.07.2024: Berlin updated the Bekenntnis zur freiheitlichen demokratischen Grundordnung (Loyalitätserklärung) so I have updated the file above as well.
In a few months or years, I should receive a case number and then (hopefully) an invitation to pick up the Einbürgerungsurkunde. I will update this page whenever I have an update. Good luck with your application!
Update on 31.08.2024: I received my Einbürgerungsurkunde (German Citizenship certificate) and now I am a German citizen! 🎉
German Citizenship Timeline
1st week of June 2024: Sent in my German citizenship application online
31.06.2024: Reach out via contact form to see if my application was lost. No response.
12.08.2024: Sent latest payslips for June & July and the signed copy of the updated Loyalitätserklärung via the contact form without them asking me. I used my Geschäftszeichen / Aktenzeichen (File number) from one of the older letters from Ausländerbehörde / LEA. It's on the top right side of the letters - use only the numbers, it's 12 digits long.
If you don't find this, you would have received an email with the transaction number. You can mention it on your message.
Die technische Transaktionsnummer lautet X.22.08.2024: Receive a phone call from the Landesamt für Einwanderung (LEA) telling me that my application is complete and if I am available next week to pick up the Einbürgerungsurkunde. I said yes and they sent me an email 30 minutes later as confirmation.
28.08.2024: Picked up the Einbürgerungsurkunde, and applied for the German passport & ID at a Bürgeramt on the same day.

My German passport
Berlin loses digital German citizenship applications
On 17.07.2024, Tagesspiegel reported that Berlin Citizenship Office lost around 592 applications due to a "server misconfiguration" in June. I was concerned that my application was lost as well. I received no emails or letters about it and there were no replies to my questions via contact form. On 27.07.2024, I read on a Facebook group the following message.
Aufgrund eines technischen Problems seitens des IT-Dienstleistungszentrum (ITDZ) wurden am 27.06.2024 und 28.6.24 digitale Einbürgerungsanträge in Einzelfällen nicht zu den Akten gespeichert.
Die entsprechenden Kunden werden vom ITDZ proaktiv angemailt und darüber informiert.
Wenn Sie bis jetzt keine Nachricht erhalten haben, ist Ihr Einbürgerungsantrag davon nicht betroffen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese E-Mail-
Adresse nicht für den Empfang von E-Mails gedacht ist. E-Mails, die an diese no-reply- Adresse gesendet werden, können weder gelesen noch bearbeitet werden. Bitte richten Sie Ihre Anliegen ausschließlich über das Kontaktformular an das für Sie zuständige Referat.
This is the translated version:
Due to a technical problem on the part of the IT Service Centre (ITDZ), digital naturalisation applications were not saved to the files in individual cases on 27.06.2024 and 28.6.24.
The relevant customers will be proactively contacted by the ITDZ and informed about this.
If you have not received a message by now, your naturalisation application is not affected. Please note that this e-mail
address is not intended for the receipt of e-mails. E-mails sent to this no-reply address can neither be read nor processed. Please send your requests exclusively via the contact form to the department responsible for you.